الوقاية من أشعة الشمس

الوقاية من أشعة الشمس

احمي بشرتك من التأثيرات الضارة للشمس مع نصائح الجمال من كلارنس. اتبعي نصائح كلارنس الصيفية للاعتناء ببشرة عائلتك.

جميع الأسئلة

العناية بالبشرة

Got sunburn? What's the solution?

Got sunburn? It's crucial you take the right steps if you've spent too long in the sun. Clarins explains which products and techniques to use to soothe your skin.

نوع البشرة

How do I choose the right UV protection level for me?

Choosing your sun protection factor is absolutely essential to protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Clarins shares tips on choosing the right sun protection for you.

What kind of sun protection should I use for my child?

When it comes to sun exposure, children need serious protection! Clarins offers up its advice on choosing sun protection for children and shares its recommendations on caring for your little ones' skin in the sun.


How to tan quickly?

A perfect tan all year long? That's where self tanning products come in. Clarins explains how they work and what tricks you can use to get the best results.

Why is after sun care important?

What is the secret to a beautiful, long-lasting tan? Discover all Clarins' tips for making your tan last longer and implementing the right after sun care.

ما هو مستحضر الوقاية من الشمس المناسب لي؟

لكي يكون مستحضر الوقاية من الشمس فعّالًا، يجب أن تتأكدي من اختيار ما يناسبك. اكتشفي نصائح كلارنس لاختيار مستحضر الوقاية من الشمس المناسب لك.

بشرة الوجه

Is self tanner a good option for a natural healthy glow?

Using a self tanner means a sun-kissed glow throughout the year. Explore the Clarins range and get all our advice on achieving a healthy glow all year round!

How do I achieve a beautifully tanned face?

Want an effortlessly sun-kissed glow all year round? Clarins shares the secrets to a gorgeous tan throughout the year.